10 Project Management Principles For Operational Efficiency

May 20, 2022

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Project management principles can help your organization strive toward operational excellence. If you are embarking on complex and challenging projects, you need a clear set of principles to ensure you are moving in the right direction. While there are many different project management frameworks, we are going to break down some basic project management fundamentals.

project management principles

Project Management Best Practices (Why Do They Matter?)

By following a few project management best practices, you can find ways to radically optimize your organizational project management and boost operational efficiency. When you apply these best practices to a range of project management tools and techniques, you can begin to unlock higher levels of productivity and steer your project teams in the right direction.

StartingPoint enables organizations to easily embed common project management principles and philosophies into their workflows. As an all-encompassing workflow management platform, StartingPoint comes with a full suite of automation and communication tools to centralize workflows and bring all aspects of project management and delivery under one roof.

Project Management Principles (10 Ideas)

Develop a formal project management structure

Formalize your project management processes and establish clear roles and responsibilities for everyone involved. This will ensure that every team member knows what is expected of them and can hold each other accountable for results. When everybody is on the same page, this makes everything easier. There is nothing worse than trying to manage a disconnected team.

As a centralized hub for project collaboration and communication, StartingPoint enables you to bring all team members together. With cloud storage facilities, you can quickly share documents with specific team members and keep all project-related information in one place. This can help to streamline project progress and prevent disjointed communication across teams.

Use a workflow automation tool to accelerate repetitive tasks

There is a variety of workflow automation tools available on the market today. By selecting the right solution for your needs, you can automate repetitive tasks and free up your team’s time to focus on more strategic work. When team members have workloads filled with administrative tasks, you need to question whether this is the best use of their time and skillsets.

With StartingPoint in your corner, you can create custom workflows to automate all the repetitive tasks that clog up employee schedules. If team members are bogged down by a never-ending stream of administrative work, this can affect their ability to focus on truly meaningful tasks. StartingPoint eliminates the burden of these tasks with its workflow automation features.

Create a centralized repository for all project-related information

Projects generate a lot of documentation and it is often difficult to keep track of everything. By creating a centralized repository, you can ensure everyone has access to all the latest versions of project documents and nothing ever gets lost. A centralized digital hub for project information is important because it gives all stakeholders a single location to source documentation.

Develop clear objectives and milestones

Before starting any project, it is important to develop clear objectives and milestones. This will give you a roadmap to follow and help keep your team on track. It's important to know where you are going and how you are going to get there. Without this level of clarity, it is easy to get lost in the details and lose sight of the bigger picture. Develop clear objectives from the outset.

Communicate frequently with all project stakeholders

Project management is not a one-way street. To successfully meet your project objectives, you need to keep all project stakeholders informed of your progress. From clients to senior leadership, it is important to keep everybody in the loop. Many project managers underestimate the importance of communication and it often comes back to bite them further down the line.

By utilizing a workflow management platform like StartingPoint, you can quickly and easily send updates to all project stakeholders with the click of a button. StartingPoint enables you to assign goals to each team member. These can align with project-specific and company-wide goals so your team can actively manage their performance and firmly stay on track.

Dedicate time to risk recognition

All projects come with some degree of risk. It is important to dedicate time to identifying risks early on and implement mitigation plans accordingly. By doing this, you can avoid potential problems down the road. There are a variety of ways to identify risks, but one of the most effective methods is a collective brainstorming session with your team.

Consider project visibility and transparency

Project visibility is the ability of all project stakeholders to see the current status of a project at any given time. Transparency, on the other hand, is the sharing of project information with all interested parties. Both are important for ensuring that everyone is on the same page and that there are no surprises along the way. The use of StartingPoint promotes project visibility.

When you can clearly track and monitor task progress, this gives you the oversight needed to identify potential bottlenecks in workflows. StartingPoint is designed to help leaders confidently manage and oversee team performance. This level of visibility is not possible without a centralized workflow management platform like StartingPoint.

Document roles and responsibilities

To avoid confusion and duplication of effort, it is important to document roles and responsibilities early on in the project. By doing this, you can ensure that everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing and that there is no overlap in completed work. This is especially important for large projects with multiple teams working on different tasks.

Enforce quality control measures

Quality control is an important part of any project. By enforcing quality control measures, you can ensure that the final product meets your standards. There are a variety of quality control methods, but some of the most common include inspections, audits, and testing.

Create a project schedule

A project schedule is an important component of keeping your team on track. By creating a schedule with a project management dashboard, you can ensure that all tasks are completed on time. Using StartingPoint, organizing project management has never been easier.

With no lengthy onboarding process or complex training needed, it’s remarkably easy to begin unlocking value from StartingPoint.

Simply sign up for free and start using the platform right away!