Small Business Development Center Software (SBDC) (5 Essential Software Solutions)

March 22, 2022

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Are you running a local Small Business Development Center (SBDC)? There has never been a better time to embrace the potential of cloud technology solutions. To successfully provide small business owners and entrepreneurs with the skills and resources they need to succeed, you must have access to robust cloud solutions to accelerate your operations.

In this turbulent economic environment, it’s never been more important for entrepreneurs and small business owners to have a local SBDC. When it comes to serving your community and providing business owners with strategic and tailored advice, cloud technology solutions can make all the difference to your business consulting efforts.

How Can You Tailor A SBDC To Your Community?

Offering effective business consulting services requires a tailored approach. You cannot provide local small businesses with one-size-fits-all advice and solutions. With this in mind, you must have access to platforms and applications that enable you to deliver tailored consulting services for the local community. These will help to elevate and enhance the consulting experience.

Investing In The Right Solutions To Power Your SBDC

Investing in the best software solutions to turbocharge the consulting services offered by your SBDC is paramount to success. If you want to see local business owners win, you must have the systems in place to support their growth. When you implement the right solutions into your workflows, this will enable you to confidently meet local demand for consulting services.

StartingPoint (Workflow Automation)

StartingPoint is a game-changer for a Small Business Development Center. Whether you are providing business planning services or tailored workshops, StartingPoint can help you to create a unified workflow by bringing a range of key processes under one roof. From cloud file sharing to team management, StartingPoint has everything your SBDC needs to perform.

With StartingPoint in your corner, your SBDC can begin to leverage the tremendous power of workflow automation. If your team is constantly bogged down with laborious administrative tasks, StartingPoint can play a critical role in automating these tasks. This will allow team members to focus on high-value tasks that directly impact local small business owners.

StartingPoint makes it easy to utilize the potential of workflow automation to streamline all aspects of your service offering. From onboarding to service management, StartingPoint is an end-to-end solution that will transform your ability to manage workflows and meet the needs of local small business owners. The best bit? StartingPoint is free. That’s right, completely free.

Calendly (Online Booking System)

If you have a steady stream of local small business owners and entrepreneurs knocking at your door, it’s important to have an effective online booking system in place. This will enable business owners to book calls with your team to discuss the potential benefits of the consulting services. As a go-to online booking system, Calendly is well-equipped to support your SBDC.

Using Calendly, you can quickly create and share booking forms with local business owners. If you make it easy for local business owners to book a call with your SBDC, they are more likely to go ahead and book a slot. Calendly helps to facilitate frictionless booking. You can even embed these forms onto the local SBDC website for a seamless experience.

QuickBooks (Accounting System)

When it comes to managing funding from the national SBA and local sponsors, you must have a solid accounting system in place. While there are numerous cloud accounting software solutions on the market, we always recommend QuickBooks. This is a favorite among business owners that want to eliminate the tedious and repetitive aspects of accounting.

QuickBooks comes fully loaded with the features you need to track and manage all your finances. Compared to other cloud accounting software solutions, QuickBooks is known for fast-tracking many accounting processes. Even though QuickBooks is an effective accounting solution, you should consult with the SBA and other authorities on picking the right system.

Canva (Visual Design Platform)

If you are trying to engage small business owners and entrepreneurs in training and learning, basic PowerPoint presentations are not going to cut it. Fortunately, there are more advanced, cloud-based solutions on the market for you to choose from. Canva is a must-have for any SBDC that wants to create visually engaging presentations for consulting sessions.

Canva comes with a full range of templates to help kickstart the creative process. In just a few minutes, you can have a visually appealing presentation ready to go. The cloud-based platform also comes with various visual data representation tools, enabling you to input data and present it in many different forms, including pie and bar charts. This platform is remarkably easy to use.

Mailchimp (Email Marketing Platform)

Boosting retention and encouraging local small business owners and entrepreneurs to attend multiple sessions is essential to their development. You can leverage marketing channels to communicate with your target audience about upcoming themed workshops and events. With a platform like Mailchimp, you can quickly send engaging newsletter content to your email list.

Mailchimp comes jam-packed with everything you need to make your email marketing efforts stand out from the crowd. When executed correctly, email marketing can have a significant impact on your SBDC. Mailchimp gives you the tools and resources to think outside the box and craft compelling email content to get the marketing channel firing on all cylinders for your SBDC.

Small Business Development Center (Best Software Solution)

If your Small Business Development Center is struggling to offer scalable consulting services to local business owners and entrepreneurs, StartingPoint is the missing piece of the puzzle. Our workflow management solution brings essential components of your operations under one roof. From team management to file storage, StartingPoint has everything you need to succeed.

We are proud to say StartingPoint is free for SMBs. If you’ve been searching high and low for a comprehensive cloud-based solution to bring order to your operations, this is it.

Are you ready to take StartingPoint for a test drive?

Get started for free today.