7 Ways to Increase Brand Awareness for your Small Business

Red Beach Advisors
August 29, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Brand awareness is a life-line for a small business. This means that customers recognize and trust the company. You don’t have to spend thousands on a marketing campaign to get noticed in the world. Instead, entrepreneurs and business owners need to focus on the details and make use of the internet. Consistently using the following seven tips will help a business make their way in the world.

1). Use Social Media

Social media is one of the greatest tools when it comes to building a brand. First, a company has to build its own profiles and pages on different platforms. The content on here should be authentic, clear and representative of the company’s message. Take the time to create fresh content and curate images. Next, it is important to engage with customers on social media: sharing their posts, liking their photos and more. Lastly, content should encourage engagement. People love give-aways, humorous videos and contests. Building a strong social media presence is next to free and a great way to be seen.

2). Pay Attention to Customers

High quality customer service means the world to people. If a product or service is faulty, it is important to respond quickly and with a customer focused answer. Make sure your tone is friendly, consistent and clear. If a customer writes a positive review or is consistently sharing content, reward them with a free product or nice note. Slowly but surely positive reviews will flood the internet, which will get you noticed as your ratings and visibility improve. The age-old saying about the customer always being right is still true in today’s day and age.

3). Promotional Products Get You Noticed

People love free things. Take some time to invest in high quality promotional products where your logo and message are clear. Today, you can invest in anything from a pen to a t-shirt. These items can be included in shipments, local events or can be given as give-away or contest prizes. Promotional products are a subtle and affordable way to build brand visibility. You can buy a lot of items in bulk to lower costs per item. Many companies will also send you a sample so you can make a decision on which items are best for you. Of course, the products should relate to your company and your desired audience. A mother of five may want something very different than a teenager.

4). Local Markets Are Important

You can quickly spread the word about a business by active in your home city or community. For example, if there is a local event, you can sign up for a booth or be a sponsor. The more places your logo is, the more likely people will remember it. Try to also support other local business to build a strong network. This means following one another on social media, sharing resources and more.

5). Influencers Are Powerful

Having social media influencers or local news outlets mention your business is powerful. You might try and send them a press release and a free product. Getting your logo in a local business or having a well-respected magazine review it is also important. Word-of-mouth buzz happens when people trust the source sharing the information. Think about who your product or service is for and who the influencers are in this community.

6). Use Your Logo in Packaging

A logo is a business’s calling card. It should be clear, well-designed and included in your packaging. This means that it is not only on your product and a business card but also on the box, shipping paper and more. Take the time to think about the story your logo and packaging materials tells when a customer receives an item. Similarly, the website, newsletter and any other communications should reflect this story too. Logo story-telling and packaging is a missed detail that many business owners forget.

7). SEO Is Essential

People use the Internet whenever they want to make a decision about everything from a product and service to invest in to which movie to see. So having an online presence is essential. Many folks do not look past the first page of search results, so it is important to enhance your rankings. This starts with your content; what message is your website sending? Do you have the right keywords? Next, you have to think about your layout, if customers can engage with a page, and the dream audience.

When increasing your brand’s awareness, think about the story you want to tell and your desired audience. Details matter in everything from social media to promotional products. Consistent messaging, a strong online presence and high quality customer service will increase your brand awareness!