How To Improve Workflow Productivity And Operational Efficiency?

April 30, 2021

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Did you know that an average worker spends approximately 3 hours per 8 hour workday in personal or unproductive work? A significant amount of time is lost in repetitive or administrative tasks, which do not aid in increasing project productivity. Instead, they adversely impact employee satisfaction and efficiency by robbing substantial project time.

As such, improving workflow productivity and efficiency has become a key challenge for organizations today.  

Loss of Productivity – Should Organizations Be Concerned?

Wasted time or lost productivity is a primary concern for organizations. According to a research report published by Unit4, workers spend approximately 552 hours a year on repetitive and administrative tasks. And this loss of productivity is costing over $5 trillion annually to the global service industry.

So, what is wasted time? It refers to performing any task that is not related to the project or contributes to operational efficiency. Cited distractions at work include socializing with co-workers, web surfing, applying for other jobs, or spacing out – highlights The Muse. Mundane administrative tasks or doing the same work repeatedly also contribute to wasted hours. In fact, wasted hours are the key contributors to productivity loss in an organization.

Ways to Improve Workflow Productivity and Operational Efficiency

Improving your workflow management procedures is a long-term process. With proper knowledge and tools in practice, you can address “time wasters” and aid in enhanced productivity.

Want to learn more about increasing your operational efficiency? Check out these valuable tips to address strategic challenges and transform your business.

Workflow diagram

1. Evaluate Your Business Operations and Workflow Processes  

You’ll be surprised to know that most business leaders do not have in-depth knowledge of their business operations. This is one of the biggest impediments to improved efficiency and productivity. It is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of how different processes across multiple departments are managed. Analyzing business processes will help identify potential bottlenecks and the scope of improvements. This is the first step towards improving efficiency because it forms the foundation for effective workflow creation.      


A thorough analysis of your existing workflows is also important. Study the current system or processes a project runs on to detect loopholes. The evaluation must also include feedback from employees on existing processes and how to improve. Furthermore, analyze the roles and responsibilities to ensure optimal resource utilization.

2. Simplify Workflow Management through Automation

Automated workflow management systems help create efficient and customized workflow processes and streamline operations. These systems allow assigning team members to specific groups based on their functions and roles. This will help build a definitive workflow that will enable them to perform their duties. You can also automate the assignment and delivery of tasks, jobs, and inquiries to the right team for the accurate and quick response and management.

It aids in priority handling, allowing you to achieve improved customer experience by assigning top customers to the best service managers. SaaS customer operations and workflow management platform help simplify onboarding, project management, team management, helpdesk, communication, and service management – helping improve the bottom line.      


3. Provide Secure and Consistent Access to Critical Information

Ensuring that every employee has access to the right information at the right time plays a vital role in enhancing operational efficiency. And the process becomes more streamlined with a secure and reliable network that adds to business agility. When your employees have quick and easy access to accurate information, it allows your business to address the challenges and stay up-to-date with market changes. A robust network also allows you to implement advanced technologies that can improve overall efficiency.

4. Proper Training is Important

For improved workflow productivity, it is crucial to ensure your employees are properly trained for their roles and responsibilities. Make sure the training procedures are optimized so that the employees get the training they require to work on different systems, and processes. Regular training is important for employees at all levels to keep everyone updated about the best practices for enhanced efficiency. Track and schedule employee training frequently to ensure they know how to perform on a job and understand the safety protocols.

5. Streamline Communication

One of the most effective ways to streamline workflow and improve efficiency is by boosting the overall customer experience. Customers are the pillars of success for your business and offering exceptional customer service plays a crucial role in it. Using an advanced customer service management system enables organizations to streamline communications through an all-in-one automated interface that enables your employees to assist the customers and clients efficiently and quickly.

6. Efficiently Organize Your Workflow Processes

If you want to keep your workflow processes moving, it is important to organize them efficiently. Create schedules for each project so that everyone is aware of what is expected from them and when. Have dedicated practices in place to monitor employee productivity and performance. It is also crucial to have automated schedules that help keep a tap on how much time employees are spending on each project. Organizations should spend time organizing time and processes efficiently.

Workflow automation plays an integral role here, ensuring everything can be monitored and handled from a single interface.      


7. Identify and Eliminate Barriers to Success

For effective workflow management, organizations must perform comprehensive process analysis that helps identify bottlenecks and areas of improvement. Expert project managers and business leaders use a variety of tools like Pareto Chart or analytics to uncover problems in a process or workflow and understand where to make quality changes. This is an ongoing process and is an important step towards operational efficiency.

8. Regularly Review Processes

You’d be surprised to know that many organizations do not have an effective documentation and reporting process in place. However, continuous monitoring and review is important for process improvement, or to incorporate automation and new workflows. Also, learn strategies and gain insights into technologies your peers are successfully using. Often, engaging your suppliers and vendors can help add value to your organization.

Operational efficiency and workflow improvement are all about enhancing your existing processes to improve productivity, gain a competitive advantage, and improve the bottom line. So, get started right away with these valuable tips.