Gaming and E-Sports Startup Transformed Operations with StartingPoint

December 30, 2024

Case Study: How Player Epic Transformed Operations with StartingPoint

Client Overview:

Player Epic, an innovative company in the esports and gaming industry based in Orlando, FL focuses on promoting physical activity and health among gamers. As the company continued its growth, they faced challenges managing internal projects, executive tasks, and customer onboarding. To address these issues, they adopted StartingPoint.


Player Epic previously used multiple applications to manage their operations, leading to inefficiencies, increased costs from applications, and workflow disruptions. They needed a centralized platform to streamline their processes, reduce expenses, and to stop missing actions, tasks, notifications, and customer requests causing dissatisfaction with customers.


Player Epic implemented StartingPoint to centralize operations, manage tasks projects, and improve customer onboarding and support, all within a single, integrated application.

Key Benefits:

• Increased Productivity: Consolidated workflows allowed teams to collaborate more efficiently.
• Cost Reduction: Eliminating multiple applications resulted in significant savings.
• Streamlined Processes: StartingPoint automated and optimized tasks, improving both internal and customer-facing operations.


Since adopting StartingPoint, Player Epic improved operational efficiency by 60%, reduced software costs by over $500 per month, and enhanced customer onboarding, leading to higher satisfaction.

Client Testimonial:

“StartingPoint has been a game-changer for Player Epic. It increased our productivity, reduced our costs, and streamlined our processes, allowing us to onboard happy gamers and partners faster than ever.” — Johnny Williams, CEO of Player Epic


Player Epic’s experience with StartingPoint demonstrates the platform’s ability to enhance productivity, cut costs, and streamline operations. It’s an effective solution for companies seeking to optimize workflows and deliver exceptional customer service.